Chorus of One News Archives

January 2013

January 22, 2013

Website News
Tumblr Integration Complete (at least, partially)

It took working on it all day, but I think I finally have this tumblr thing integrated with my website so that the first post from here will show up there. Actually, that was the easy part the hard part was getting the LCARS surround for it to work correctly, and then I accidentally deleted half of the style.css file and could not get it back and had no backup so I just had to rebuild it all from memory and an outdated version and it is still not all back, but it is functional. I must admit, though, it looks pretty great.

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January 13, 2013

Floyd's Random Thoughts
Happy New Year, I guess

I joined tumblr, this place died. I am trying to figure out how to make my most recent tumblr post show up here so this place won't look quite so dead. I will get get back to you on that. I am not even going to bother posting this on the forum.