News Archives- November 2010

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November 12, 2010

The home page has been returned to normal.

the anniversary celebration is over, I have returned the home page to it's normal state. That is all.

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November 11, 2010

Happy anniversary

Yes, one year ago today at 5:07 PM the first post on this forum was made, It is gone now, but I have recreated the home page from an early version here today, at least, as best as I can remember it to be. Here is a screenshot of the original home page.

for a more detailed history of the site, go to the System Information page, one of the original and oldest existing website pages. there is also a very old LCARS version of the site here and an experimental and never completed version of the system information page here, I think it was used it like two weeks before I went back to the old (and current) version.

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The Video Card has been "upgraded"

or replaced, really. This server's video card is now an ATI Technologies Rage 3D-Pro AGP 2x.

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November 10, 2010

The website will go off-line for a while tomorrow.

The video card in this dumpster computer is going out, fortunately I have another dumpster video card to replace it with. I am going to replace it tomorrow, probably between 10:00 and 12:00, it should not take long. I will have the site back online before 5:07 pm for the 1 year anniversary celebration.

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November 1, 2010

Monthly Google analytics report and News Archives

This was going to be a monthly thing, with the archiving of old news but neither have been done since June 1. anyway...

Total Visits:

Number of people from different countries:

Browsers and Operating Systems:


Also, news from June, July, and August has been archived here, here, and here respectively.

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