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Author Topic: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...  (Read 49843 times)

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Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« on: November 23, 2010, 09:32:20 pm »
I don't know if this is igordog, but read this and tell me what you think:
smoke or fire makes me ill. Angels in heaven probably would cut off their wings before having to be subjected to hearing that garbage. seriously that music is a perfect example of what ball less uncreative pop music sounds like. this music has no edge, no balls, no profound insight just sounds like a million other pop bands. this reminds me of the glam rock of the 80s. this shit is like neck and neck with poison and la guns for the cutest band of the year award.

i started listening to hardcore when it was a new form back in the early 80s
when bands had alot of genuine edge and agnst like circle jerks,black flag, dr know, rkl, bad brains, cromags agnostic front youth brigade, uniform choice minor threat

so when i hear and see this garbage on youtube and i start to feel nausea and queasy i quickly click to the cro mags world peace video and try to forget what has happened to hardcore/punk music

This HAS to be igordog, right?


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 09:48:03 pm »
Then again, I went onto his channel and he posted this on a Strike Anywhere video:
god damm is this the music the kids listen to today? these guys are awful sounding pinko pansies. What the fuck happened to the cro mags and agnostic front? they were the fuckin shit when I was grownin up bad brains too. this shit sounds like garbage.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 11:02:18 pm »
I have a feeling this topic will be fun!
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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 02:08:50 pm »
I never saw Igordog as a close minded person.
Besides, he loves strike anywhere. How can he complain about modern (hardcore)punk?
Thom - So what's the vibe like, in this room of power?
Garth - It's uuuuh positive, Thom, it's very positive
Thom - I sense that there's gonna be some tracking... some bass-tracking.
Garth - You sense that? You're a prophet, Thom


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2010, 07:41:35 pm »
Really Matt?
I didn't write any of that shit. Why do you insist on fucking with me when I try to be peaceful with you? Are you obsessed with me? Do you have nothing better to do? Out of nowhere, after having no contact with me for a while, you just say to yourself, "Hey, I think I'll make this troll thread about Igordog today and try to say bad shit about him that isn't true..."?
I didn't start listening to punk and hardcore in the early 80's...I was a little kid in the early 80's. I was 5-10 years old.
Does the idea of Matt and I arguing again really get you excited Floyd? I don't know where he got any of that, but it's not from me. He took something, said it was me when it wasn't for fun, and is slandering my name. That makes you happy?
I don't even have a YouTube channel; I have a bunch of STRIKE ANYWHERE videos that I made, (wow, that's funny; I made a bunch of videos for a band that I think are a bunch of "God Awful Pinko Pansies"...Yeah, that sounds like me.) And like US said, why would I say that about a band that I love so much?
Thanks for the kind words US...You're a good dude.

Fuck You.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2010, 08:25:20 pm »
I would like to start off my rebuttal with the following statement:
I know it wasn't you. Reread my posts. Notice my use of "then again". I was showing how similar this guy's viewpoint was to yours, except on SA.

Igordog, you are a running joke in our little online community. Got it? Also, I do have better things to do, but this is way more fun.

Floyd likes it because he likes getting posts on his forum.

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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2010, 09:06:17 pm »
I can't remember Igordog ever saying ''Back in my day...'' or anything about how everything was better when he was growing up. If I'm wrong, don't hesitate to show me xD
This guy's viewpoint is nothing near Igordog's. The irony here is that it's more similar to yours in some way.

But either way, starting this topic was obviously a negative remark towards Igordog. Internet or not, there is still something called common decency. And yes, it would have been nice if Igordog indeed was a running joke in the community. But he isn't. Take look at the RA-forum, Scrabs is definitely a running gag there. But Igordog?
Thom - So what's the vibe like, in this room of power?
Garth - It's uuuuh positive, Thom, it's very positive
Thom - I sense that there's gonna be some tracking... some bass-tracking.
Garth - You sense that? You're a prophet, Thom


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2010, 02:05:54 pm »
I would like to start off my rebuttal with the following statement:
I know it wasn't you. Reread my posts. Notice my use of "then again". I was showing how similar this guy's viewpoint was to yours, except on SA.

Igordog, you are a running joke in our little online community. Got it? Also, I do have better things to do, but this is way more fun.

Floyd likes it because he likes getting posts on his forum.

I did read your post fully...And I stand by what I said (or the cute picture with the nice smiling guy with his middle finger sticking up in the air...)
You are a pimply faced 14 year old bitch who looks like you have down's syndrome, gets everything from your mommy and daddy but "claims" to be an anarchist, a pseudo intellectual who gets everything that you know from books and nothing from knowing anything about the real world, and gets off on putting other people down (which means that you have low self esteem, and trying to hurt other people makes you feel better about yourself.)
Punk CD Sampler - BlankTV Shout Out
Do you REALLY think that your acne covered face, someone who's probably never even had a girlfriend, who's immature enough to find animals having sex amusing, and has a lisp like you, is going to hurt me?
Once again, FUCK YOU you little crybaby mommy's boy bitch...Go get some Proactive solution and get a haircut you ugly, pimple faced, lisp having, snaggle toothed bitch. You might want to look in the mirror before you start throwing any more stones....
"What, no kick? He he" Finish going through puberty before you try to start a fight with a man. Having some balls is usually helpful in this situation. Now go and cry to your mommy and have her cook you Thanksgiving dinner bitch.
Fuck You.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2010, 10:36:03 pm »

Igordog you are so fucking stupid, please gtfo.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2010, 11:33:32 pm »
Uh come on Matt is super cute okay. let's not get carried away.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2010, 09:56:03 am »
Stop obsessing with Matt's cock Pusan, it's unhealthy. and by that I mean it has piles of AIDS in it.
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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2010, 10:19:42 am »
Hey...I've been nothing but nice to EVERYONE here, including Matt; No matter how much he's insulted and attacked me. He comes out of nowhere, without provocation and just starts making fun of me...Then openly admits that he's doing it because it's "just more fun" than anything else he has to do...And I'm the bad guy when I come back at him?
Well, Culture Revolution...You like pictures of Sponge Bob? I like pictures of Chuck Taylors.

And Susan...Matt is kind of cute I guess. For a retarded monkey with a zit covered face and a speech impediment. The kind of cute that you feel bad for. Like when you see a freakish mutant baby on one of those Animal Planet shows.
"Let's not get carried away." Maybe you should have told Matt to "not get carried away" a long time ago.
Fuck You.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2010, 12:59:19 pm »
Igordog that was a picture of Patrick FROM Spongebob, please get it right.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2010, 01:06:27 pm »
One last thing before I go...Like I said, I've been nothing but nice to all of you. I've done a lot to make this site a better place and you Floyd have been an ungrateful fuckhead. If you'd rather have 4-5 members here who almost never log in, and forever have a failure for a for a "Strike Anywhere Forum", then that's on you. If you'd rather people like Matt who treat people like shit for no other reason than to boost their own self esteem, than have nice people who try to help you, then that's on you to. But, all that you're ever going to have here is a piece of shit site with no members, a piece of shit radio show with no listeners, and a giant waste of your time.
If Thomas or anyone else from Strike Anywhere ever comes here I can promise you that they're not going to proud of what they see or want this place representing their band, especially now that my contributions are gone.
TO YOU MATT...You are nothing but a miserable piece of shit who gets of on trying to hurt other people. Do you know what that's called? People like you are known as sociopaths. I on the other hand am a kind and gentle person. I don't do things for myself, for self gratification...I do things for the sake of doing them and whatever comes, comes. If I can help someone along the way, learn something new, help someone, whatever, that is what makes me happy. I also believe in Karma...And the road that you're headed down  is not a good one. Some day the way that you treat people is going to catch up with you, and it's not going to be pretty. Plain and simple. Although after you attacked me and attacked me over and over I tried to make peace with you, you kept on attacking me, laughing at me, calling me the worst thing that you could call someone (a pedophile)...And of course your TRUE character came into the light because you did this all over the computer and not to my face. That's what a coward does. You hid behind your screen and keypad and bullied me like a coward, but if we were face to face you would never, ever do it.
But, remember this...I will remember you. If, somehow in our travels after you turn 18 and your balls finally drop, you'd better hope beyond hope that we don't somehow end up in the same room together. If we do, someone is getting knocked the fuck out and leaving a few teeth short of a mouthful, and I PROMISE you, that person will NOT be me.
This is what you look and sound like MATT...
Go look at yourself in the mirror before you start attacking someone next time. You're a little bitch who's had everything handed to you in life and claims to be an anarchist. Fuck off. I know that you're the all knowing authority on what's punk and what's not even though you're 14 and know nothing, but listen to the lyrics of this song...It was written about you.
Rise Against - Six Ways 'Til Sunday (with lyrics)
Now Floyd...Thanks a lot for answering the message that I sent you, you ungrateful piece of shit. I expect you to delete my account, and I don't expect to ever hear from any of you again...Do not find me somewhere and bother me. Just leave me the fuck alone. I don't have a second to waste on any of you fake ass punks anymore.

Get the message?
Fuck You.


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Re: Igordog just messaged me on youtube...
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2010, 01:43:22 pm »
hey cool google images search bro.

PS i have told them that antagonizing you is pretty lame. and i haven't been mean to you except i was rude to you like once. so bye.

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