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Author Topic: Since it's its the anniversary of 9/11...Are any of you conspiracy theorists?  (Read 45162 times)

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Undertaker Sheep

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You can't fix capitalism in any way. But innocent people will get killed, whether it be in anarchy or monarchism or what ever shit.
You're telling Igordog to get off the forum? Why? Because he's 36 and has something better to do than argue with high schoolers? Then I should leave the forum to perhaps, since I am no longer a high schooler.
Seriously Matt, that hardly made any sense...

If you have nothing against us, why do you resort to name calling and automagically disregard just about anything we say? Do you hate other people in general?
Thom - So what's the vibe like, in this room of power?
Garth - It's uuuuh positive, Thom, it's very positive
Thom - I sense that there's gonna be some tracking... some bass-tracking.
Garth - You sense that? You're a prophet, Thom


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You can't fix capitalism in any way. But innocent people will get killed, whether it be in anarchy or monarchism or what ever shit.
You're telling Igordog to get off the forum? Why? Because he's 36 and has something better to do than argue with high schoolers? Then I should leave the forum to perhaps, since I am no longer a high schooler.
Seriously Matt, that hardly made any sense...

If you have nothing against us, why do you resort to name calling and automagically disregard just about anything we say? Do you hate other people in general?
No, but I hate other people on the internet in general. I'm fairly nice and respectful in real life. I'll listen to your opinion and respectfully state my disagreements. Not on the internet, though.

Undertaker Sheep

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No, obviously not on the internet (which is the place where you and I have our discussions). On the internet, the way you state your opinions and disagree with those of other people is far from respectful.

But let's drop this. The thread should have been about 9/11, not how we perceive you to handle discussions.
Thom - So what's the vibe like, in this room of power?
Garth - It's uuuuh positive, Thom, it's very positive
Thom - I sense that there's gonna be some tracking... some bass-tracking.
Garth - You sense that? You're a prophet, Thom


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OK...I will end this (on my part once and for all.) I will respond to Matt's response as nicely as I can, and that will be the end of it. As I said before, this was never supposed to turn into this. This was simply a question about what you believe happened on September 11th 2001. I gave my opinion and I expected others to do the same and not automatically get angry.
1. "I have nothing against you or Undertaker. I mean, sure, you're pretty annoying and Undertaker is pretty silly, but once we get away from politics I don't have anything against you."- OK...I'll take you at your word when you say that. The way that you come off though, certainly seems like YOU DO have something against me, which I don't really care about, but I do think that you should treat people with more respect. We're here first and foremost because because we love Strike Anywhere.
That's just untrue. I'm here because Floyd is my friend.
That's one thing that we have in common. If I was walking down the street wearing a S.A. t-shirt and someone stopped me and said, "you like Strike Anywhere? So do I!" I would automatically feel a sense of friendship with that person just because we have that in common. If that person told me his/her political beliefs and I didn't agree, I would say, "I don't agree with you, I believe in this..." I wouldn't start attacking the person and trying to make them look stupid.
I wouldn't, either.
2. "But I'm right."- You can believe you're right all that you want to. You seem to be a very stubborn person, which can sometimes be a good thing and can sometimes be a bad thing. You'll have to figure out when your stubbornness is appropriate and inappropriate for yourself. For now, I will agree to disagree with you.
3. "Well, his argument was so fucking stupid."-  As far as I'm concerned, his argument wasn't an argument at all. He weighed in on the original question and you attacked what he said. He responded and you attacked it again. Say whatever you want, but he's entitled to his opinion and you're entitled to yours, but you don't need to intentionally try to beat down other people's words because you don't agree with them.
4. I listen to other opinions. I just don't like some of them.- Then why can't you just say that? Why can't you just say, "I've listened to your opinion and I don't like it. This is how I feel about it...." Instead, you go gung ho and start spewing hatred towards someone who's here for the same reason that you are.
Because I was bored and that was way more fun. Oh, he's here because he's Floyd's friend, too?
5. "I don't even know what you listen to, how the fuck are you supposed to know what I listen to? You're 36. Get off the forum. Don't you have responsibilities other than arguing with a bunch of high schoolers? My only other explanation is that you're here to rape underage boys and girls."- I guess I touched a nerve here, huh? And you responded in the only way you know how. I acted like you, and it got you pretty pissed off, didn't it?
I just think it's a little weird, honestly. You're ageist, I'm ageist. I honestly don't like you old fucks that look down on us young punks and goes "Wow, there's no good music now. I'm glad I grew up back when music was good." The rape thing was a joke, of course.
 I post in the "What Are You Listening To?" thread all the time about what kind of music I listen to. I've seen a few things that you've posted and I listened to your radio show, and I don't consider most of it "REAL" punk. we have different tastes in music and that's my opinion.
Well, if you only listened to Real Punk it would get pretty fucking boring, wouldn't it?
I'm 35. Yes I do have responsibilities and I take care of all of them. I pay my bills every month (what I've been saying all along is that whether you're an anarchist or not, you still have to go along with the system and keep a roof over your head, electricity, heat, and water going, food on your table etc...) Obviously. One of the points I saw US not grasping is that anarchists have to work within the capitalist system for now, and I acknowledge this. I'm not about to strip down naked and go into the woods for the rest of my life. I go to school and get good grades. I take care of my pets very well. I have a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend. When I'm not doing those things, I go on the computer instead of watching TV (which I still think is evil) and going out and getting drunk or being around people who I don't like. I don't come here to "argue with a bunch of high schoolers". I come here to talk about punk music and have conversations. You also come here to preach down to us about how "we're not doing enough" and make myspace pages for Floyd. It's a little over-zealous and scary. You start the arguments. When you get mad, you start throwing around insults, like "raping underage boys and girls." Like I said; I have a girlfriend that I've been with for 9 years. Do you? It doesn't matter. That was just verbal diarrhea that you spewed at me.
I would be lying if I didn't have the thought of "Pedo" everytime I saw an old guy online on punk forums.
Lastly, I don't see anything wrong with me being 35 and loving Strike Anywhere. That just shows my level of commitment. I started listening to punk as a 15 year old skateboarder and I'm still here. Not a lot of people can say that. Find me in 20 years and tell me that you're still involved. You can say, "Oh, I will be", but I've heard that a million times from a million people who aren't.
I don't know what I'll be doing or if I'll be alive in 20 years. I wouldn't be ashamed of myself if I listened to country music then and I wouldn't be impressed if I listened to Ruiner.
6. I DON'T CARE. Jesus... - Then, you're an ingrate as far as I'm concerned. If I did a radio show, I would say thank you to everyone who listened to it. I do. Unless they suck. I appreciate it when people do things like that. Obviously you don't. If that's how you want to go through life, that's on you and I can't change that.
7. I was obviously being sarcastic., you goddamned idiot.- That's what you say now. If you were being sarcastic, guess what? Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet. It does when you're accustomed to it, grandpa. You should know that by now. And you had to add "You god damned idiot" in there just for good measure. Your defense to everything is name calling and anger. If someone makes a point about something (which although you disagree I believe I did) you automatically start name calling. You started this argument. You got this all going dude. Not me...You. How do you expect me to respond?
I can argue without name calling... I just choose not to.
8. "I was saying that all of that is irrelevant, because capitalism is still killing so many. I'm sorry if you don't get healthcare or the cops beat you down, pussy. Some kids get captured at gun point and are forced to make cocaine. Some kids are shot in the head for carrying a weapon by US soldiers. You can't fix capitalism with reform."
I already explained why I asked U.S. these questions. He explained why he felt that his government "wasn't so bad" and you attacked him. There you go namecalling again. I'm a pussy because healthcare in the U.S. actually affects me? Because police brutality is a problem in our country? No, you're a pussy if those are your most important issues. Matt, you're a keyboard warlord. Do you know why? Because (this isn't a threat by any means!!!) you are the type of person that sits behind your computer and types this shit. If you and I were standing out in the middle of a parking lot by ourselves I guarantee you that you would not get in my face and call me a pussy. Prolly wouldn't. Good thing we're not in a parking lot! Honestly, I think I'd like most people better IRL and they'd like me better IRL. But, we're online. You'd be too scared. From behind the safety of a computer screen it's all fine and good, but in a face to face situation, just the two of us, or with all of your friends and all of my friends, you would never do it. I think it's sad when you go "well, I look down on you because I would kick your ass". I'm very anti-violent when it comes to problems like this.  That's the difference between people like you and people like me. If I say something, I stand behind it. I can back it up. You can't. That's why you didn't respond to the last set of questions that I asked you...
"Matt...I have one last question for you. This is not an attack. You say that you know what you believe. You say that you stand behind it. The government is our enemy. What are you doing to fight the enemy? Raising awareness? Researching? Are these not important anymore? What are you doing to make this country a better place for you, the people around you, and the generations to come? What are you doing so that when you leave this world it will be a better place?"
Because you talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk. You say all of this shit about capitalism and anarchy and so on, but guess what? You're living right in the middle of it, taking full advantage of it, and loving every minute of it. Yeah, I love capitalism. I love my life  ::) Whether you realize it or not, you're living the capitalist dream right now. Pretty sure I'm not in a mansion, but whatever. You're not out living in the street, protesting the human rights violations that all of the companies that you unknowingly support are committing. No, I'm not, because reform is counter-productive. Who do you think makes all of the clothes that you wear? Who do you think owns the companies for the oil that keeps you warm in the winter or drives you around? Who do you think owns the companies that keep your internet up and running? Look around you...Everything that you own and use was made by a giant corporation that's owned by another giant corporation, Obviously... and if you researched it all I don't think you'd be happy with what you'd find. But the point is, you're part of the American machine, whether you realize it or not. You are the enemy that you claim to be fighting against. I'm not. I'm not bourgeoisie. When you leave your parents' home and go out on your own, you're still going to be part of it. If you refuse to be, you're going to end up in one of two situations; Dead or in jail. You'll either realize that you can't just take what you need to survive and end up starving to death in the cold, or you'll try to take what you need and end up in prison. Otherwise, you'll be playing their game. You'll be a pawn in their game. You say it can't be achieved through reform, and I agree with that, but I don't know how else it can be achieved.
Your argument: It can't be achieved through reform, so keep reforming. We are all part of the capitalist machine, but as the workers we have power and we need to realize it.

I like everyone here...You all seem to be level headed and tolerant. Tolerance of intolerance is just as bad as intolerance. But you Matt? You seem to enjoy stirring things up and intentionally causing trouble. If that's just you, that's fine. If you're so set in your ways, that's respectable, but I do believe that you should have respect for others if ever expect to be taken seriously.
From here on out, I would still like to discuss certain subjects...I think that we should all state our cases, retort, state our replies, respect one another, agree to disagree, and remember that we're all here because we love Strike Anywhere.



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