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Re: The wars we're involved in...
« Reply #45 on: August 23, 2010, 01:21:16 pm »
I've never heard the term "ageism" until Floyd used it yesterday and Matt used it again today. See, we're always learning new things...I feel that we're beating a dead horse here...I'm going to throw in my two cents and them I'm done with it. I hope that we can all still be friends, respect each other's opinions (although we don't have to agree on anything), and move on to a new subject.

I’m not stuck on an idea, I just didn’t agree with yours. I listened to all of your points, took an opinion, and threw in my own opinions, I heard, and I reacted, what else do you expect in a debate?
My point was the lack of respect, the use of terms like "That's stupid, that's such bullshit, etc...",  and the fact that you were unwilling to acknowledge someone else's  points as being somewhat valid. That meant to me that you were stuck on your own ideas. I felt that I explained myself on that rather clearly.
Maybe saying That’s stupid was not the best thing to say, but I did acknowledge your points as valid. Until I saw muslim dictators and freedom hating socialists, besides that I saw them as avlid and responded to them as valid points.
Oh yeah, I don’t know what the real world is all about, I’ve been in my room for 14 years and never met other people with different opinions, other faiths, anything like that. You know nothing about my life so don’t presume what I have run into and what I have done. Just because you are older doesn’t make my opinion any less credible.
I don't think that I'm better than you because I'm older than you. I just know from my own experience and the experience of pretty much every other teenager that I've known/grown up with that we all thought that we had the answers at your age, but once we got out on our own, matured (I WILL GIVE YOU THAT YOU SEEM VERY MATURE AND INTELLIGENT FOR SOMEONE YOUR AGE), lived in the world outside outside the safety of highschool/college and our parent's homes, and faced adulthood our views and opinions changed A LOT. You may be the exception, and if so, good for you. I will commend you. I feel that I explained that rather clearly too.
I realize that my ideas are still growing, but I’m pretty sure yours are too. Everyones opinions are changing all the time, if they weren’t then they would be one stubborn bastard.

Yeah, the answer is no, but where did this come up? When did this turn into I’VE HAD MORE ROADBLOCKS, I KNOW MORE, I’VE EXPERIENCED MORE SO I’M RIGHT. Economic trouble and wealth does not define a person’s life.
I'm not just talking about me. I'm talking about adults living outside of what I called "your safe little bubble" in general. Although I've faced some of these roadblocks, (and many more that I didn't bring up), it doesn't make me "better" than you. It just means that I have more experience in the real world than you. I'm was saying then and I'm still saying now that you can have all of the romantic ideas that you want to, but once you get out into the real world, it's a tough place. And guess what...You have to follow the rules and bite and scratch and kick to survive. The way that you "think" it should be and the way that it is are light years apart. and nothing's changing anytime soon.
Thanks for saying that my opinions aren’t credible and I haven’t lived in the real world so my ideas are less valid. I also never said anything about anarchism, so I don’t know where this stuff is coming from. I said very little about my actual political views.

You are upset we don’t agree with you. You thought “I’m Mr. Olderthanallofyou, I can tell you guys what I think and you will all agree and we will have a big Strike Anywhere party. That didn’t happen, you got called out on stuff that other people didn’t agree with and now you’re upset. Also if you want to actually debate, respond to all of my response, don’t pick and choose what you want to talk about.
I didn't get upset that you didn't agree with me. The only time that I got upset was when you started with your "that's bullshit", "that's stupid"...You can see above about that. I explained above also about the "Mr. I'm older than all of you" stuff too. I expect to be respected when I say something, even when the person doesn't agree with me. I treat people with respect when I don't agree with them, and that's all that I ask in return. If that weren't the case, I'd be in jail right now for killing just about everyone I come in contact with because most people don't agree with my points of view on most subjects.
I'll be back to finish...I have to take my girlfriend to work.
I respected you, I don’t know where this stuff is coming from.


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Re: The wars we're involved in...
« Reply #46 on: August 23, 2010, 01:39:34 pm »
Yes, I know what I have learned in High School and I know I am still learning, I become more tolerant and more knowledgeable as I get older, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know stuff, or have strong opinions, or am not able to debate. Thanks for resorting to calling me a prick, that really helps your case. The part I bolded, whether you realize it or not was racist, not all rich people are white, not all poor people are black. It is not a matter of race, it is a matter of who has what and who is controlling who in the economy. If you think Anarchy is so shitty, how do you think we should solve the problem of globalized capitalism? You posted very liberal ideas, then posted an article that was obviously far right leaning I don’t get it. Honestly I don’t consider myself an Anarchist, and I can’t sum up my views in one single word, am I am proud of that.
I believe that you know plenty of stuff. I said above that you seem very intelligent and well spoken for someone your age. A pseudo intelligent prick as far as I'm concerned is someone who recites things (most of the time word for word) that they've read in books and then refuses to hear what other people have to say, taking the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude. I'll apologize for using the term "prick", but is it any worse than, "that's stupid", "that's bullshit", or "you're a right wing asshole"? Yes, I was starting to get a bit heated when I wrote that, and I apologize for it. It was uncalled for.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that’s stupid, but I didn’t recite things word for word, the things I said were all my own views that were in my own words. But thanks for thinking my views and ideas could be published.
The part that you "bolded" was not at all racist. I was thinking to myself as I wrote it, someone's going to call me a racist for writing this...Well guess what buddy? Walk through the ghettos of MOST OF AMERICA and tell me who you see. Walk through the streets of  Beverly Hills and tell me who you see. Yes, you will see a percentage of whites living in the ghettos, but it is largely African Americans. Yes you will see a small percentage of rich African Americans in Beverly Hills, but it's mostly white people. I WAS USING THIS AS AN EXAMPLE. I wasn't saying that one is better than the other, or that ALL whites are rich and ALL blacks are poor. I know for a fact that I live in the suburbs, and there are barely any black families here. If you go to my aunt's neighborhood, which is very rough, crime ridden, and dilapidated, they are one of the few white families left there. That's not racism. That's truth. But, you're one of those people who cries foul or calls someone a racist as soon as you hear the words "black" or "white".
I don’t care what the statistics are, the difference of classes is all that matters in the economy, maybe poor white people and rich white people wouldn’t be able to get along but it’s no difference from poor black people with rich white people, or poor white people with rich black people.  I didn’t think you meant all white people are rich and all black people are poor. It is simply a matter of who has what and who has the privilege, this has nothing to do with race.
To be perfectly honest...I don't have an answer to the question "How should we solve the problem of globalized capitalism?" There are a lot of things that sound beautiful on paper, but are not realistic.  Actually, I kind of think that the human race is forever doomed to perish. We keep on digging ourselves deeper and deeper into a hole, and pretty soon we won't be able to dig ourselves out of it, no matter what we do. But I do think that someday, and it may not be in my lifetime, or yours, or you childrens, it's all going to implode and come crashing down on us and we're going to see all of the mistakes that we've made (or let our leaders make in our name.)
I really don’t know how to respond to this, it seems possible, but I can’t make a point for or against it.
I will say this one last time. I posted that article because I was talking about why we went to war in the first place, and what that article was talking about (in some of it) was the excuses that G.W.B. gave, and how they changed over time. It's that simple. I didn't write the article, I didn't say, "read this article...this is how I feel." I was talking about G.W.B. being a deceptive liar, and that article pointed out him giving different excuses as to why we went to Iraq in the first place. That's all. Maybe I should have cut and pasted just those quotes from him, but I didn't. There's nothing that I can do about it now.
When someone posts an article in a debate it usually means that they share those views and are using it as a source to help their views. That’s why I argued it like it was your own views.
The fact that you know who you are right now, have strong beliefs, and are unwavering in them IS something to be proud of. You stand for something, and that's a lot more than 99.9% of people your age can say. Most play video games all day, listen to Lil' Wayne or whatever shit they're playing on the radio at the moment, and their biggest concern in life is trying to be/look like the people on Jersey Shore. I commend you for that. 


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Re: The wars we're involved in...
« Reply #47 on: August 23, 2010, 01:42:18 pm »
The x picture is supposed to be this.

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