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Website News / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR (I archived old news)
« Last post by Floyd on January 19, 2016, 04:46:15 pm »
oh wow hi new person this hasn't happened in like two years!

EDIT: "...attachments directory is not writeable!"
yeah theres a lot of bugs in the forum that i dont know about because not enough people actually use it for them to show up so nothing ever gets fixed. its also apparently running on outdated and unupported software now too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Computers and Technology / Another useful "file explorer"
« Last post by benthecomputerguy93 on January 07, 2016, 11:30:09 am »
Here's just a simple batch script that I found on the internet and changed slightly for my own use. It uses powershell to invoke the openfiledialog() function. This is extremely useful in situations where windows explorer is unavailable on a system, either because of an infection or because its server core edition and thus missing or something along those lines.

Code: [Select]
@echo off
color 0a
echo Errors and messages will be outputted here.
set filename=
set ps_cmd=powershell "Add-Type -AssemblyName|Out-Null;$f=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog;$f.Filter='All files (*.*)|*.*';$f.showHelp=$true;$f.ShowDialog()|Out-Null;$f.FileName"

for /f "delims=" %%I in ('%ps_cmd%') do set "filename=%%I"

if defined filename (
    start %filename%
goto top

Maybe someone else can use it!
Website News / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR (I archived old news)
« Last post by benthecomputerguy93 on January 05, 2016, 06:40:06 pm »
Yeah the internet sucks doesn't it? In other news I'm glad I found this place. This feels like something I would make and the type of content I would have if I had time. Thanks for your fixed progman and winfile btw  :D

EDIT: "...attachments directory is not writeable!"
Website News / HAPPY NEW YEAR (I archived old news)
« Last post by Floyd on January 02, 2016, 10:26:35 pm »
title pretty much sums it up, after sitting on it for a year, the 2014 "news" has been sent to the archives. i only left it here because it filled up some blank space on the main page, but maybe this year i'll fill up the main page with real stuff. probably not. tumblr and facebook choked out everything on the internet but dumb games and listicles.
Also, I took down the Links page they were mostly dead anyway. I replaced it with a new Music Stuff page. It's Here.
also i changed the tumblr link to the way it was originally.
Website News / Happy Birthday to the website!
« Last post by Floyd on November 11, 2015, 05:57:30 pm »
today is the 6th birthday this dead website, nothing happens anymore, but its still there, chugging away on that old pentium 3 in my basement. for a full history, go here.
PS. Fest was a few weeks ago, and it was great! OH AND THE WILD ARE PLAYING A SHOW IN ATLANTA NEXT MONTH! WITH NANA GRIZOL!!!
ok, thats all, bye.
Website News / New thing in the Computer Stuff section
« Last post by Floyd on May 02, 2015, 05:48:03 pm »
HOLY SHIT I UPDATED SOMETHING!. Windows 8 and now 10 are here to stay, so i put up the instructions on how to make the display settings control from Windows 2000 (desk.cpl) run on them. you can find this fancy new article here or talk about it on the forum here. OK, thats all, see you in another two months. PS Fest Countdown is functional, but i haven't uploaded it yet and probably won't. ok bye.
this is the discussion topic for

i'm not reposting all of it to here, that would be difficult, and i'm lazy.
The Computer Stuff section / Re: Getting Program Manager to run in Windows 7 and Vista
« Last post by JB3 on April 16, 2015, 11:11:30 pm »
Thank you very much. The tutorial was great but the posted files are a bonus. Thank you again.
The Computer Stuff section / Re: Getting Program Manager to run in Windows 7 and Vista
« Last post by Floyd on January 01, 2015, 03:17:25 pm »

anyway here's progman and winfile and their help files all fixed up and ready to go, also that's a custom version of winfile i made with new icons and stuff. if you want the original version of winfile, you'll have to get it from nt 4.0 service pack 6

run everything as an administrator or it wont work right.
The Computer Stuff section / Re: Getting Program Manager to run in Windows 7 and Vista
« Last post by Floyd on December 14, 2014, 11:02:18 pm »
yeah sure, in fact, after all these years i think i'll just save everyone the trouble and post the files on the website for everyone to download.

let me find them first.
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