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i have no idea what your problem might be. this whole place is basically abandoned at this point. run it as an administrator maybe? i literally have no experience with vista and skipped straight from xp to 10.
Computers and Technology / Re: Sun VirtualBox
« Last post by Floyd on March 19, 2016, 11:57:57 am »
that was half a joke. it probably would be possible, but tbh, nt3.51 isn't that great for day-to-day use. 6 years ago it was amomst useful, but the internet has changed a lot since then and you cant do much. put it in a vm and have fun.

os/2 is still pretty useful today tho.
Member Introductions / Re: HELLOW THAIR GIEZ
« Last post by Floyd on March 19, 2016, 11:56:56 am »
oh wow. a new person. sorry i didn't come here sooner, i dont actually expect people to be here.
Computers and Technology / Re: Sun VirtualBox
« Last post by mrgamerface98 on March 16, 2016, 08:21:57 am »
and I know nothing about Linux, although I could help you dual boot 7 and any version of Windows or even better, 7 and eComStation.
You say NT 3.51 is the best version of Windows? Help me dual boot it with Vista please!!!
Member Introductions / HELLOW THAIR GIEZ
« Last post by mrgamerface98 on March 08, 2016, 04:54:35 pm »
Hi. I exist. Here are some things I like that also exist:
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • Computers
  • YouTube (Super Gaming Bros., JAR Media, Grade A Under A)
  • This website
I discovered this site from the progman.exe thing, and I thought it was cool. Bye!
I downloaded the .zip but it just said "Incorrect command line parameter:*"
WTF do I do? (Using Vista, only 1, 2, and 9x were worse.)
Edit: With regedit, it's asking me if I want to make a change, winfile says the file I'm looking for doesn't exist, and  Chrome tries to open a file that doesn't exist. :(
Hello. Could you just E-mail all of this shit to me?  I don't feel like setting up an NT 3.51 Virtual Machine (and I can't even do it without a Bluetooth adaptor because my keyboard broke and I'm using the Tablet Input Panel) and am not a big fan of explorer, I'll use it but progman and winfile are better. :)
edit:nvm, didn't see that you posted the .zip
Website News / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR (I archived old news)
« Last post by Floyd on January 19, 2016, 04:51:51 pm »
how did you find this place anyway?
Computers and Technology / Re: Another useful "file explorer"
« Last post by Floyd on January 19, 2016, 04:50:22 pm »

wow two new posts by someone other than me in one year? that's a record that hasn't been beat since like 2012
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